
Our Consultants

Peter Wolters

drs. Peter S.R. Wolters
Imagineering, concepting


The world is transforming rapidly, old values and starting points disappear in order to make room for new insights, tasks and processes, inspired and initiated by well educated, ambitious, communicative and internationally orientated juniors.

For Zoos in general this transition means a special challenge. This ‘Zoovolution’ will result in the fact that ambassadorship for nature, nature preservation and nature education including societal thinking and developing and sustainability are the pure essence of existence for Zoos. Furthermore, This ‘Zoovolution’ will cause that, due to the changing composition of visitors, a visit will be seen as a special experiences by juniors as well as seniors.

Imagineering fed by a broad inspiration creates innovations for both existing and new Zoos also based on Darwin’s philosophy ‘Survival of the fittest’.
Strategy is characterized by choice in location, the philosophy ‘Blue Ocean’ and the principal of ‘The Butterfly Effect’. In this the business-case and the ratios will be ultimately the critical factors.

Zoo Consultants believes that this way of thinking, inspired by years of experience and having a specific vision, we will have an important contribution to this ‘ZooVolution’.

Hans van Weerd







dr ir. H. van Weerd

About Hans…

Hans is a biologist with a worldwide career spanning more than 20 years in scientific research and education, animal collection management, conservation, public engagement and project management.


He has extensive experience working in a non-profit, sometimes emotionally charged environment that could be sensitive to public ‘displeasure’ and criticism. This required proactive public engagement and information, transparent communication with stakeholders and partners. Hans has led large teams of dedicated professionals in an environment focused on showcasing and narrating about the natural world and gaining audience engagement in its conservation.


Hans is experienced in managing animal collections in zoos from the point of view of the organization’s strategic objective, cost effectiveness, safety of staff and visitors, regulations, partnerships and sustainability.

Mariëlle Oonk

M.F.J. Oonk
Executive Assistent
Executive secretary, website, design

About Mariëlle…

Since November 2016 I have been working as a secretary at Zoo Consultants. From the first moment I feel completely at home; the people I work with, the green environment, the peace and space only give me energy.

My work as a secretary within this organization is comprehensive, instructive and surprising, not one day is the same and that means that I always work with a fresh sense.

Up to and including 2014, I have been working for years as (executive) secretary in a totally different branch. After this, I started to focus more on development in the creative field and study. When I encountered the vacancy at this company, I knew immediately that it would suit me: nature, animals, creativity and work-experience in one package and all of that so nearby my home.

What particularly attracts me in my work is the alternation of activities and in particular creative activities such as design, drawings, elaboration of imagineering-presentations,  impressions and so on. The cooperation with Peter and the rest of my colleagues is also very pleasant.

Since 2008 I am a mother of a wonderful daughter and spend a lot of time with her, doing board games and playing cards is one of our favorite activities. When I have time for myself, I like to read an exciting book, or watch a good series or film. Also, of course, spending time with my boyfriend and other loved ones is important very to me.

As a creative person I like to paint (paintings) and I like crafts, do-it-yourself, stuff “pimping” etcetera… by making something out of nothing gives me satisfaction.

Maarten Frankenhuis







Professor dr. M.Th. Frankenhuis
Management, animals, conservation

About Maarten Th. Frankenhuis…

Maarten Th. Frankenhuis was born in Enschede, the Netherlands on 9 juli 1942.

After his secondary education in Enschede, he studied veterinary sciences at Utrecht State University. From 1965 to 1967 Frankenhuis served two years in the Royal Dutch Army as a lieutenant – platoon commander in the armoured infantry.

In 1974 he finished his PhD dissertation on intersexuality in birds titled: An attempt to induce autofertilisation in the domestic fowl.

From 1974 to 1975 he was a general veterinary practitioner in Olst (province Overijssel) and from 1975 to 1979 Frankenhuis was involved in a research project on cryptorchidism and male infertility (Utrecht State University).

From 1979 to 1984 Frankenhuis was staff veterinarian and researcher at the Rotterdam Zoo, the Netherlands, and from 1984 to 1990 he served in the position of full professor in poultry medicine and pathology (Utrecht State University) and research coordinator Central Poultry Health Institute (Doorn). Frankenhuis was the (co)author of more than 275 books, scientific articles and other publications.

From 1990 to 2003 Frankenhuis was general director of Artis Am­sterdam Zoo.

After his retirement he is involved in writing books, articles and columns, and lecturing and doing other presentations, guiding ecotours in South and East Africa and South and Central America, and already for more than 10 years serving as an advisor to Zoo Consultants. In the previous decades Frankenhuis was a member of the board of directors of several (scientific) societies and foundations.

Tijn Greve

drs. M.G. Greve
Banking, financing, feasibillity study

I have been working as a consultant for Zoo Consultants with great pleasure for several years. Zoo Consultants has extensive expertise in the field of animal parks, with which a multitude of innovative concepts are initiated and developed. As a consultant, I am involved in all phases of the development process: from planning to implementation. My specific area of ​​attention concerns the financing of the (animal) parks and dômes that Zoo Consultants develops and implements both at home and abroad.

More information can be found on my LinkedIn profile.

Erik van Vliet







drs. E. van Vliet
Erik van Vliet Zoo Design
Zoo Design | Husbandry | Storytelling

The fascination for the animal world and nature is of all times and of all cultures. That fascination has caught on to me more than average.

When, as a thirteen-year-old, I was allowed to help as a caretaker in Wassenaar Zoo during the weekends, I realized that I wanted to become a zoo designer. After graduating from the University of Amsterdam, with a combination of subjects with biology and landscape architecture as its main focus, a difficult road began. In the 1980s, zoos were by no means waiting for specialized designers. The first chance came with Beekse Bergen and after that it got busier. Zoos changed rapidly from collection to experience.

After 28 years, my field of activity mainly extends to zoos in the Balkans and Russia that are currently catching up at lightning speed. But also in, for example, Israel, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Mexico, the results of my work can be found in the form of new zoos and refurbishment of existing zoos. Sometimes my contribution extends into the details of design and collection choice and sometimes a one-off brainstorming session is what benefits the customer the most.

The projects in collaboration with Zoo Consultants have given great satisfaction over the past fifteen years. The result is always original and often in a smart way a lot cheaper than what others have to offer without compromising on quality. The zoo world owes its rapid development to a large extent to close cooperation. My contribution to this took place in the form of various positions held within the European Association for Zoos and Aquaria.

Finally, two novels of mine have been published and two books about concept formation and the future of zoos, including Zooing the World.

Hans Imanse







Hans Imanse
Blue Ocean Strategy, inspirator

In short: a creative reverse thinker. Inspirator with a passion for WONDER.

Specialization: retail real estate, leisure and nature At the interface where people come together for shopping, leisure and entertainment. I come up with creative environments and concepts. My biggest sources of inspiration are people and nature.


My motto: Storytelling is the basis of amazement and seduction. . . .!


My focus is on the interface where leisure, retail and leisure come together.
* inventing and designing new concepts and creative environments
* guiding the entire interior construction process
* inventing and developing marketing strategies and loyalty programs
* providing various motivational and hospitality training courses for staff and management
* advising on setting up new labels, brands and formulas
* advising on real estate transactions in residence, leisure and retail


My mission and vision:
People like to share beautiful moments and share their experiences with events in wonderful shops with beautiful items or memories of happy moments. Storytelling is the cement between people, environments, products and experiences. It contributes and connects an event that you remember as positive and you would like to share this. Why do people buy what they buy and where. . . .
The story behind the store, the center, the attraction or the product inspires people and makes them enthusiastic.
I would like to look up those stories and come and tell them. unleash the enthusiasm. The stories are everywhere for the taking. The power of enthusiasm is stronger than persuasion. Sincere enthusiasm convinces. . . . . . . !
You don’t have to attract an audience; it comes naturally.

Our Advisors

Goof Lukken







Goof Lukken, MBA
Lecturer Tourist and Recreational Workfield
Lecturer Leisure and Tourism


Breda University of applied sciences

Academy for Tourism

Senior lecturer Attractions. & Theme Parks Management


And owner of


Goof Lukken is an expert and teacher in activities and theme parks, marketing, communication and trends in tourism and leisure. Goof Lukken is also the developer of the international BUas Track Attractions & Theme Park Management.


Amusement park expert, leisure expert, zoo expert.


Specialties: public relations, marketing, management, knowledge of leisure markets, zoos, theme parks, leisure expert, leisure trend watcher, leisure freelance journalist.

Hans Dekker







Hans J. Dekker AA

At the beginning of his career, Hans worked at accountancy firms and then in the corporate world. In the early days he completed his studies as an Accountant-Administration Consultant and with this diploma and practical experience ended up in (evening) education. He later used that experience as a lecturer in Strategic Management (STM) for the AA course. For many years he was chairman of the professional committee of this part of the AA program. As editor – and author – he was involved in the study book STM in SMEs that was, and still is, used in HEAO education.

He combined theory and his practical experience in financing SMEs, because he worked at Rabobank Nederland for 25 years as an advisor to local banks dealing with large or complex corporate financing. He was involved in financing in the leisure sector for a large part of the banking period. That’s how Zoo Consultants and he met, and after his retirement he has been advising the board of Zoo Consultants for many years and also the associated companies.

Alwin Dooijeweerd







mr. A.A. (Alwin) Dooijeweerd
Hogeman Dooijeweerd Advocaten

Hogeman Dooijeweerd Advocaten

Alwin is our corporate lawyer and we involve him in complex legal issues.


Lawyer, advisor, counsellor, sparring partner.


Clear, plain language and no-nonsense.


Insolvency law l corporate law l criminal law

Our Partners

When realizing projects, we work closely with a number of permanent partners.





TeamUp is a young company and involved as a partner of Zoo Consultants, but our history goes back much further. As a partner, TeamUp is mainly involved in the development of the domes that Zoo Consultants is working on. Their task in particular will be the realization.


TeamUp is a company that can be widely deployed in the leisure market, from holiday resort to day attraction. TeamUp offers the possibility to guide the realization of the Leisure product from A to Z. All expertise under one roof, that’s the great advantage of TeamUp! Short lines of communication and clear agreements, effectiveness is what TeamUp is all about.


The customer is part of the process at TeamUp, together with the customer and his/her organization they ensure a successful operation.




Sweco Nederland

Sweco (originally “Swedish Consultants”) is the largest architectural and engineering consultancy in Europe, offering engineering consultancy, environmental technology and architecture services.

Although times are changing and technology is moving at lightning speed, Sweco’s philosophy is still the same. They are convinced that the best solutions can be found together. And thereby bring about real change. Change is the most constant, necessary and inspiring challenge they can imagine.




Koninklijke Ginkel Groep

At Koninklijke Ginkel Groep they stand for sustainable greening, which implies a close relationship with nature.

They are very passionate about taking good care of nature and are proud of the beautiful green projects and landscapes in our country. In this way, the Koninklijke Ginkel Group works on the quality of life of our fellow human beings and on the conservation of flora and fauna on this earth.




DST Het experience bureau

Specialist in brand experience, leisure, employee experience and young minds.

DST believes in the power of experience; creating meaningful experiences that get people moving and with which you convey stories to visitors.


“Experience does something to you. If you experience a story, you will understand it better, remember it better, accept it faster and you will be happy to pass it on.

That is the power of experience. ”




Enversed Studios

Enversed Studios is a creative game studio for companies and organizations. Using game technology, they try to make the world smarter, more accessible and, above all, more fun. The broad expertise is applied in all conceivable forms of interactive media: from Virtual and Augmented Reality to interactive installations.




RvB Groep

Due to the practical experience that RvB Engineering team has gained over the years, it often remains in the picture of the client after the design phase. The translation into practice is a step that is at least as important as the design itself. Thanks to the right approach and the agreements made with clients, RvB Engineering has already relieved many of us. The activities that are carried out within the discipline of project management / management include specification preparation, construction supervision, project management and permits.
For larger projects and projects involving multiple disciplines, it is advisable to engage a project manager. This manager takes care of the overall coordination, the overall planning and maintains contact with the manager.




Retailure by MAX

Exclusive support for shopping and leisure formulas so that the expansion can spread all over Europe.

The working method is characterized by responding quickly and adequately. Retail by MAX. Marcel Schuurman has built up a large network over the years. This network consists of reliable and qualified parties such as real estate investors, real estate and pension funds, municipalities, (inter) national retail and leisure organizations, project developers and non-profit organizations.





Sustainability at Bidfood

Transparency and sustainability play an important role in everything that Bidfood does. We have a good cooperation and relationship with Bidfood with the restaurants and we believe it is important to work together with parties that do business sustainably.


Zoo Consultants B.V.
Geesinkweg 8
7231 RE Warnsveld

T. +31 (0)575 572 555



To see what Zoo Consultants is currently doing, you can find the complete overview of current projects under the chapter Portfolio.


Zoo Consultants carries out market research, imagineering and concept development, develops fauna passages, elaborates master plans, conducts feasibility studies, risk analysis and project management.

Zoo Consultants wants to develop zoos, Dômes and wildlife resorts that are innovative, based on our ‘vision’ and ‘vision and beyond’ which can be recognized by the sustainable and natural appearance.
